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Find out which room best meets your needs, and then book via Calpendo (request user account - 24 hours to approve). To do this log onto Calpendo, navigate to 'Bookmarks', 'Select bookmark', select the appropriate tab, and then the desired room. If you are organising a hybrid meeting, you must invite the meeting room via Teams using the prefix 'NDCN -' or 'OHBA -' within the 'add require attendees' box. If you require both Cowey rooms for a large meeting email for assistance. 

To cancel please find your booking via Calpendo and right click on box, then 'edit' and 'cancel booking'.

To book a meeting room at BSB or Tinsley please get in touch with Urs Schuffelgen.

Further help

If your question is not answered here, then please get in touch with us at and we'll do our best to help.