I want to….
Getting help and self-help questions and answers
How to request user accounts on our systems
Instructions on how to enrol and connect devices to the available networks at WIN sites.
How to connect and use computers/smart devices at WIN
Working off-site advice including the use of VPNs, SSH and VNC remote desktops. VPN also allows access to OHBA or FMRIB network resources from Eduroam WiFi connections
Where to store your data, how to access it and how to protect it from loss or unauthorised access
Resources for analysing neuroimaging data - high performance computing clusters, available software etc.
How to collaborate others around the world (sharing data, communicating etc)
What meeting room facilities are available in the OHBA and FMRIB WIN sites and how to use them. If you have any issues with using these rooms please call IT Support on 01865 610460.
How to print to or scan with the Centre printers
Tools, services and techniques for sharing datasets openly/publicly
Details on services, facilities, software and research support for specific research groups/areas.
I wish to purchase computing equipment
Useful tools, programming languages and information on software curation tools (version control software)