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WIN IT Systems Status

Normal service.

- last UPDATED 04/12/2024 15:22


This page is NOT​ dynamically updated but will usually reflect the current known status of the IT systems. If you find something isn't working that is listed as "No Known Issues" then contact 

​University Network Link OK
​FMRIB Building Network OK
​Wolfson Building Network OK
​WiFi Service OK
​VPN Service OK
​FMRIB Firewall OK
​ OK
​ OK
​FMRIB Jalapeno Cluster OK
​BMRC cluster OK
​BMRC win000 OK
​BMRC win001 OK
​BMRC win002 OK

​BMRC win003

​FMRIB Data/Home File Server OK
​FMRIB Scratch File Server


​SMB Server OK
​User Archive (Tape Archive) OK
​Scan Archive/Retrieval OK
​File Server Backup OK
​DNS/DHCP Service OK
​IT Account Registration ( OK
​ OK
​GitLab ( OK
​FSL Web Site ( OK
​Physics GitLab ( OK
​Exprodo ( OK
​Scan Registration OK
​Printing OK
IPA authentication servers OK
​IT Support Ticketing System ( OK



Open WIN ( OK
Cowey1 meeting room OK
Cowey2 meeting room OK
Tracey meeting room OK
Radda meeting room OK
Newsom-Davis meeting room OK
Goulding meeting room OK
OHBA lounge meeting room OK
OHBA upstairs meeting room OK