Ways to get involved
*All opportunities advertised here are paid*
There are two ways you can get involved with research at WIN. You can be a participant in WIN research (for example, come in for an MRI scan or do other tests as part of a study), or you can help shape decisions about WIN research (e.g. participating in focus groups where you share your opinion about what topics should be researched). You can find listings for both types of opportunities below. Some of the hyperlinks below are to PDF downloads - please contact Hanna Smyth if you need the information in an alternative format.
The studies listed below are either studies by WIN researchers, or studies by researchers in other University of Oxford departments that take place at WIN using WIN scanning equipment.
Opportunities to be a participant in a WIN research study:
RoADPain: Period Pain in Young People [posted June 2024]
- 4 visits to JR Hospital (2x 2hr and 2x 4hr) plus at-home participation
- Must be aged 11-20, have periods and do not take hormone medication (such as the pill or mini pill) for any reason
- You will be asked to complete questionnaires, submit saliva samples, participate in testing of pain relevant systems, and go in an MRI scanner.
- See project website for lots more info
Online Daily Emotions Survey [posted June 2024]
- No in-person visits; a 20-minute online baseline survey, then starting the next day, completing a short 5 minute online survey each day for a 14-day period
- Must be aged 18 years or above, have grown up in the UK, have access to digital devices and the internet throughout the study period (be able to receive a survey link everyday via email during study period), and be able to read and write English proficiently
Time To Collision Experiment in Virtual Reality [posted May 2024]
- **DEADLINE: 21 June 2024**
- 1x 3hr visit at the JR hospital or the Old Road Campus Research Building
- Must be healthy, 18-60, English-speaking, not pregnant, no history of chronic pain or current acute pain, and no neurological disorders
- You will play a series of virtual reality games whilst receiving moderately painful stimuli to your hand or arm
- Some participants will be required to go in an MRI scanner, others will have their brain activity measured by EEG (electroencephalogram)
Neural mechanisms of stay/leave choices in humans [posted May 2024]
1x 2hr visit at the JR hospital
Must be healthy, English-speaking, right-handed, aged 18-40 years, safe for MRI scanning, no history of neurological or psychiatric illness
This study requires you to go in an MRI scanner
Brain imaging to study memory and decision making - The Narratives Study [posted May 2024]
1x6.5hr visit (two sessions on a single day, includes lunch break)
Must be healthy, English-speaking, right-handed, aged 18-35 years, safe for MRI scanning, no history of neurological or psychiatric illness, normal vision of colour
This study requires you to go in an MRI scanner
Memory and sleep study [posted January 2024]
- 2 visits, 9am-5pm
- Must be age 18-40 with regular nocturnal sleep duration of 6-9 hours. You are not eligible if you are left-handed, pregnant, play a keyboard instrument, cannot nap during the day, or have various medical conditions (see poster for full list)
- This study uses MRI, tDCS ( (a form of neurostimulation that uses constant, low current delivered to the brain area of interest via sensors on the scalp), EEG (electroencephalogram to record brain activity), and sleep recordings in the day
- 1x 1.5hr session
- Must be age 18-50, healthy, native English speaker, no history of neurological conditions, no speech and hearing disorders, no metal implant near the head, and not pregnant
- This study uses tDCS (a form of neurostimulation that uses constant, low current delivered to the brain area of interest via sensors on the scalp)
Using non-invasive brain stimulation to investigate speech production [posted October 2023]
- 1x 1hr session
- Must be age 18-50, healthy, native English speaker
- This study uses tACS (transcranial alternating current stimulation)
Using non-invasive brain stimulation to refine motor learning [posted October 2023]
- 1x 2hr session
- Must be age 18-35, healthy, right-handed, and speak fluent English
- This study uses tACS (transcranial alternating current stimulation)
Improving sleep and learning in rehabilitation after stroke [posted September 2023]
- Must be a stroke survivor who experiences some difficulties using their hand and arm, and is interested in improving their sleep
- One baseline appointment and one follow-up appointment (questionnaires, movement task, and sleep assessments) for both groups. Group one will continue usual care, and group two will complete an online sleep improvement programme
- All study assessments are done remotely
Ultrasound brain stimulation in emotion and decision making [posted September 2023]
- 1x 1hr initial visit and 3x 3hr visits (one week apart)
- Must be healthy, English-speaking, right-handed, aged 18-40 years, safe for MRI scanning, no history of neurological or psychiatric illness
- This study requires you to go in an MRI scanner
Kinematic and neural fingerprints of complex movements in Health and Disease [posted September 2023]
- Up to 5x 150min sessions, performing hand and arm tasks
- Must be over 18 and in good health
- This study uses EEG (electroencephalogram) to record brain activity
- You can participate if you have sciatica or if you do not - participants in both categories are needed
- Participants with sciatica: first appointment 2-3 hours; some participants will be invited for a second appointment for an MRI; final appointment 12 months later, 1.5 hours
- Participants without sciatica: one appointment, 4-5 hours. Must be aged 40-85
- This study requires you to go in an MRI scanner
- Additional information on their recruitment posters for participants with sciatica and without sciatica
Mechanisms of neurodynamic treatments (MONET) [posted September 2023]
- Two baseline appointments (2.5 and 1.5 hours), then a 3.5hr followup appointment 6 weeks later
- Must have mild to moderate carpal tunnel syndrome
- This study requires you to go in an MRI scanner
- Additional information on their recruitment poster
Stammering study [posted August 2023]
- 1x 3.5hr session plus potential 45min additional scan
- Must be native English-speaking, aged 18-45
- Recruiting for people who do or do not stammer
- This study involves MEG (Magnetoencephalography - a non-invasive medical test that measures the magnetic fields produced by your brain's electrical currents) for its main session and an additional MRI scan
Targeting distinct brain circuits with non-invasive brain stimulation [posted August 2023]
- 3x 3hr sessions over 3 weeks
- Must be right-handed, age 18-35, no history of epilepsy
- This study uses TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation)
Mechanisms of pain anticipation [posted August 2023]
- 1x 3hr session
- Must be 18-60, not pregnant, no history of chronic pain or current acute pain and no neurological disorders
- This study uses EEG (electroencephalogram) or an MRI scan
Opportunities to shape decisions about WIN research (how it is designed, what the questions are, how it is shared, etc)
Be filmed talking about your experience as a participant in WIN MRI research [posted December 2023]
- 1x 1hr filming session at FMRIB, JR Hospital on Thursday 1 February
- Must have previously been a participant in a WIN MRI research study
- Looking for participants from a diverse range of backgrounds and ages
Inclusive research at WIN: Inclusive MRI scanning practices informative video [posted November 2023 - opportunity now closed]
- Looking for people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds, non-native English speakers and people from other demographic groups who are historically less represented in medical research studies
- Give feedback on videos in development, about what to expect when coming to WIN for a research MRI scan
- In-person session 11 December (2 hrs), then online sessions 22 February and 14 March
NHS staff sleep and wellbeing research [posted August 2023]
- All NHS clinical and support staff (e.g. midwives, junior doctors, health care assistants, paramedics, porters, cleaners and managers of night staff) are eligible
- Share your opinions on potential research directions that would benefit your sleep and wellbeing
- 1x 1hr telephone chat with a researcher
WIN researchers, please contact Hanna Smyth to submit an opportunity for posting.