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TR08MC1 : The FMRIB Variational Bayes Tutorial (PDF)
Michael Chappell, Adrian Groves and Mark Woolrich
TR08SS1 : Threshold-Free Cluster Enhancement: Addressing problems of smoothing, threshold dependence and localisation in cluster inference (PDF)
Stephen Smith and Tom Nichols
TR08TN1 : Cluster Analysis Revisited - Again: Implementing Nonstationary Cluster Size Inference (PDF)
Tom Nichols


TR07BP1 : Bayesian Shape and Appearance Models (PDF)
Brian Patenaude, Stephen Smith, David Kennedy and Mark Jenkinson
TR07JA1 : Non-linear optimisation (PDF)
Jesper L. R. Andersson, Mark Jenkinson and Stephen Smith
TR07JA2 : Non-linear registration, aka Spatial normalisation (PDF)
Jesper L. R. Andersson, Mark Jenkinson and Stephen Smith


TR06CB1 : Applying FSL to the FIAC data: model-based and model-free analysis of voice and sentence repetition priming (PDF)
Christian F. Beckmann, Mark Jenkinson, Mark W. Woolrich, Tim E.J. Behrens, Dave E.F. Flitney, Joseph T. Devlin and Stephen M. Smith
TR06MP1 : MRI-Based Estimation of Brain, Skull and Scalp Surfaces (PDF)
Mickael Pechaud, Mark Jenkinson and Stephen M. Smith
TR06SS1 : Meaningful Design and Contrast Estimability in FMRI (PDF)
Stephen Smith, Mark Jenkinson, Christian Beckmann, Karla Miller and Mark Woolrich


TR05CB1 : Investigations into Resting-state Connectivity using Independent Component Analysis (PDF)
Christian F. Beckmann, Marilena DeLuca, Joseph T. Devlin and Stephen M. Smith
TR05MJ1 : A Bayesian Similarity Function for Segmentation using Anatomical, Shape-Based Models (PSPDFHTML)
Mark Jenkinson
TR05SS1 : Tract-Based Spatial Statistics: Voxelwise Analysis of Multi-Subject Diffusion Data (PDF)
Stephen M. Smith, Mark Jenkinson, Heidi Johansen-Berg, Daniel Rueckert, Thomas E. Nichols, Clare Mackay, Kate E. Watkins, Olga Ciccarelli, M. Zaheer Cader, Paul M. Matthews and Timothy E.J. Behrens


TR04CB1 : Tensorial Extensions of Independent Component Analysis for Multi-Subject FMRI Analysis (PSPDFHTML)
Christian F. Beckmann and Stephen M. Smith
TR04MJ1 : A Perturbation Method for BO Field Calculations of Non-Conductive Objects (PSPDFHTML)
Mark Jenkinson, James Wilson and Peter Jezzard
TR04MW1 : Mixture Models with Adaptive Spatial Regularisation for Segmentation with an Application to FMRI Data (PSPDFHTML)
Mark W. Woolrich, Timothy E.J. Behrens, Christian F. Beckmann and Stephen M. Smith
TR04MW2 : Constrained Linear Basis Sets for HRF Modelling Using Variational Bayes (PSPDFHTML)
Mark W. Woolrich, Timothy E.J. Behrens and Stephen M. Smith
TR04SS1 : Variability in FMRI: A Re-Examination of Intersession Differences (PSPDFHTML)
S.M. Smith, C.F. Beckmann, N. Ramnani, M.W. Woolrich, P.R. Bannister, M. Jenkinson, P.M. Matthews, D.J. McGonigle
TR04SS2 : Advances in Functional and Structural MR Image Analysis and Implementation as FSL (PSPDFHTML)
Stephen M. Smith, Mark Jenkinson, Mark W. Woolrich, Christian F. Beckmann, Timothy E.J. Behrens, Heidi Johansen-Berg, Peter R. Bannister, Marilena De Luca, Ivana Drobnjak, David E. Flitney, Rami K. Niazy, James Saunders, John Vickers, Yongyue Zhang, Nicola De Stefano, J. Michael Brady, Paul M. Matthews


TR03TB1 : Characterization and Propagation of Uncertainty in Diffusion Weighted MR images (PSPDFHTML)
T.E.J. Behrens, M.W. Woolrich, M. Jenkinson, H. Johansen-Berg, R.G. Nunes, S. Clare, P.M Matthews, J.M. Brady and S.M. Smith
TR03MW1 : Multi-Level Linear Modelling for FMRI Group Analysis Using Bayesian Inference (PSPDFHTML)
Mark W. Woolrich, Timothy E.J. Behrens, Christian F. Beckmann, Mark Jenkinson and Stephen M. Smith
TR03MW2 : Fully Bayesian Spatio-temporal Modelling of FMRI Data (PSPDFHTML)
Mark W. Woolrich, Mark Jenkinson, J. Michael Brady and Stephen M. Smith


TR02CB1 : Probabilistic Independent Component Analysis for FMRI (PSPDFHTML)
Christian F. Beckmann and Stephen Smith
TR02MJ1 : Improved Methods for the Registration and Motion Correction of Brain Images (PSPDFHTML)
Mark Jenkinson, Peter Bannister, Michael Brady and Stephen Smith


TR01CB1 : General Multi-Level Linear Modelling for Group Analysis in FMRI (PSPDFHTML)
Christian F. Beckmann, Stephen Smith and Mark Jenkinson
TR01DL1 : An introduction to Multiway Methods for Multi-Subject fMRI experiment (PSPDFHTML)
Didier G. Leibovici and Christian F. Beckmann
TR01MJ1 : A Fast, Automated, N-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping Algorithm (PSPDFHTML)
Mark Jenkinson
TR01MJ2 : ICA in FMRI: A Basic Introduction (PSPDFHTML)
Mark Jenkinson and Christian F. Beckmann
TR01MW1 : Temporal Autocorrelation in Univariate Linear Modelling of FMRI Data (PSPDFHTML)
Mark W. Woolrich, Brian D. Ripley, Michael Brady and Stephen M. Smith
TR01SMS1 : Brain Atrophy Analysis Using Single- and Multiple-Time-Point Data (PDF)
Stephen M. Smith, Yongyue Zhang, Mark Jenkinson, Jacqueline Chen, P.M. Matthews, Antonio Federico and Nicola De Stefano
TR01YZ1 : An HMRF-EM Algorithm for Partial Volume Segmentation of Brain MRI (PDF)
Yongyue Zhang, J. Michael Brady, Stephen M. Smith


TR00DF1 : Cluster Analysis Revisited (PSPDFHTML)
Dave Flitney and Mark Jenkinson
TR00DL2 : Multiway Multidimensional Analysis for Pharmaco-EEG Studies (PSPDFHTML)
Didier G. Leibovici
TR00DL1 : Comparing groups of subjects in fMRI studies: a review of the GLM approach (PSPDFHTML)
Didier G. Leibovici and Stephen Smith
TR00MJ1 : Asymptotic T to Z and F to Z Statistic Transformations (PSPDFHTML)
Mark Jenkinson and Mark W. Woolrich
TR00MJ2 : Optimisation in Robust Linear Registration of Brain Images (PSPDFHTML)
Mark Jenkinson and Stephen M. Smith
TR00MJ3 : Estimation of Smoothness from the Residual Field (PSPDFHTML)
Mark Jenkinson
TR00SMS1 : Measurement of Brain Change Over Time (PDF)
Stephen M. Smith, Nicola De Stefano, Mark Jenkinson and Paul M. Matthews
TR00SMS2 : BET: Brain Extraction Tool (PDF)
Stephen M. Smith
TR00YZ1 : Hidden Markov Random Field Model and Segmentation of Brain MR Images (PSPDFHTML)
Yongyue Zhang, Stephen M. Smith and Michael Brady


TR99MJ1 : Measuring Transformation Error by RMS Deviation (PSPDFHTML)
Mark Jenkinson


TR98SMS1 : Flow Estimation Using More Information (PDF)
Stephen M. Smith