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Yes, if speaker has given permission. Please remember that Q&As cannot be recorded. Prior to the talk you will need to display this notice. If a person asks a question during a talk, then the licence would cover the recording. If you want the recording on WIN's Recorded Archive, please email The above consent form gives us permissions to recorded anything in the past year, so you don't need to fill out every time they give a recorded talk. You can also record a group discussion using the participant consent form on this page, where each individual must give their consent. If a person removes their consent for recording, please email so that we can remove their recording from their archive. If you want to make your recording open to the public, you will need to fill out a separate form and email WIN has a Vimeo channel.

Further help

If your question is not answered here, then please get in touch with us at and we'll do our best to help.