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Our team

Our research

Inpatient Study: We measured sleep quality in people receiving rehabilitation after brain injury. The results are published in the journal 'Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair'. Read a summary of our findings.

Outpatient Study: We investigated sleep quality in a group of community dwelling stroke and brain injury survivors. The results are published in the journal 'Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair'. Read a summary of our findings.

Sleepio Feasibility: We explored the feasibility of using the online sleep improvement programme 'Sleepio' in a group of community dwelling stroke survivors. The results were published in the journal 'Brain Injury'. Read a summary of our findings

INSPIRES Study: We investigated if stroke survivors using an online CBT experience had greater improvements in their sleep than people who are given a brochure about sleep hygiene. The results were published in the 'Journal of Sleep Research'. Read a summary of our findings.  


The wider stroke recovery research hub have a newsletter which provides updates about completed and on-going research that investigates stroke. You can see the current and past issues of the newsletter, and sign-up to the mailing list.  


Improving sleep and learning in rehabilitation after stroke, part 2

Have you had a stroke that left you with some difficulties moving your hand or arm? Do you have difficulty sleeping? Are you interested in accessing a programme which may help improve your sleep?

Researchers at the University of Oxford are looking for volunteers to take part in research involving an online programme for sleep improvement and to understand how this impacts movement learning. All study procedures are conducted in your home, there is no need to visit the University. 

If you would like to find out more about the study or if you have any questions, please get in contact with Dr Melanie Fleming or Barbara Robinson:


Phone: 01865 611 461 or 07864800761

Ethics ref: 22/EM/0080, IRAS ID: 306291; Version 1.1, 11/04/2022

SleepStim Study

We are looking for:

  • Healthy adults, aged 40 years and over


  • Stroke survivors

for a home-based study measuring brain activity during sleep. For more information, email

 Ethics Ref: R79095/RE002; Version 2.0 - 07/02/2023


  • Dr Anton Pick, Oxford Centre for Enablement, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust
  • Emma Garratt, Oxfordshire Stroke Rehabilitation Unit, Oxford Health NHS Trust
  • Professor Colin Espie, and Associate Professor Simon Kyle, Sir Jules Thorn Sleep & Circadian Neuroscience Institute
  • Dr Alasdair Henry, Big Health Ltd, and Sir Jules Thorn Sleep & Circadian Neuroscience Institute
  • Professor Nele Demeyere, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences & Department of Experimental Psychology
  • Dr Sara Ajina, Neurorehabilitation Unit, University College London Hospitals NHS Trust & University College London
