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WIN Profiles

A users Profile is not the same as their Computer Account. Please note that you should approve both in order for a computer account to be successfully created.

Approving a Profile

  1. ​Login to - after logging in you arrive at your own Profile page.
  2. In the My Group section, click Users & Associated Billable ItemsMy Group Dialog
  3. Then find the person you're looking for and click their name on the left hand side. This will take you to that person's Profile page.A users profile page
  4. To authorise this person to join your PI group, tick the PI Approved checkbox and click the Update button.
     This authorises the person to join your PI group but does not authorise a computing account request. To authorise the computing account request. please continue as below.

WIN Computer Accounts

Approving a Computer Account Request

  1. To authorise a computing account request, follow steps above to arrive at the requestor's profile page. Then check the computing account info in the top right of the page.Computer account notification
    If the Computing Account displays Pending Approval (as shown), then the account is awaiting approval. To complete the process, click the username shown in blue. You should arrive at the account details page as shown:AC details panel
  2. Click the Change button to arrive at the account update screen and enter the details as shown. Authorise the account request by selecting an appropriate cost centre and ticking the PI approved check box. Finally click on Save Application detail dialog
  3. After completing the above, the user's account will be created and notification of the new account will be emailed to the user, together with instructions to collect a password from the FMRIB IT office. If email confirmation has not been sent, the user's account has not yet been created. If you have been waiting more than 24 hours for your account to be created following authorisation, please contact us.​