Adam Steel wins NIH/OxCam Innovation Award
Adam wins award for his work developing Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) with Charlie Stagg and Uzay Emir
The International Biomedical Research Alliance presented Adam Steel with the Innovation Award for Novel Solutions in Biology or Medicine at the National Institutes of Health-Oxford/Cambridge Global Partnership Program Annual Workshop.
The award recognises his work with Dr. Charlotte Stagg and Dr. Uzay Emir developing Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) for both experimental and clinical use. The improvement in MRSI achieved in this project will have immediate application in biomedical research as a means to study the neurochemical changes associated with learning and plasticity, as well as in the clinic for improving cancer diagnosis and detection.
The Innovation Award is given each year to a student whose work pioneers new or unusual methods, paradigms, and approaches to solve important problems in Biology and Medicine. The Physiological Neuroimaging Group would like to thank the International Biomedical Research Alliance for their recognition.
Adam is a PhD candidate on the NIH/OxCam Global Partnership Program, co-supervised by Dr Charlotte Stagg at Oxford University and Dr Chris Baker at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, USA.