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How to book a meeting room in Nexus 365

Booking the Room

Rooms should be booked both in Calpendo ( (to allow easy browsing of availability of all rooms) and, to ease joining, it should be booked in Nexus 365.

If you have a planned meeting, when you schedule the meeting in Outlook (including Office 365 online) or Teams, add the room as one of the participants:

Teams/Outlook.office365: Begin typing the name of the room until the specified name below appears - select it from the list.

Outlook Application: If you haven't already scheduled a meeting in this particular room you should enter part of the name and click on the 'Search directory' pop-up to find it.

If the room isn't already scheduled to be in a meeting at that time then the participant entry will show 'Free'.

To assist with scheduling, both Teams and Outlook provide a Scheduling Assistant that will show the calendar around the proposed meeting time for all participants.

When you send the invite the room should automatically accept the meeting.

​​IMPORTANT - Do not schedule extra time or meetings that might take place. Whilst the room is in a scheduled meeting it will not be possible to start/join another meeting until the booking expires.

Room Outlook/Teams Name
Newsom-Davis (WIN annexe) NDCN - WIN Newsom-Davis Meeting Room - capacity 8
​Radda (WIN annexe) NDCN - WINRadda Meeting Room - capacity 6
Tracey (WIN annexe) NDCN - WIN Tracey Meeting Room - capacity 6
Cowey 2 (WIN annexe) NDCN - WIN Cowey 2 - capacity 30
Goulding (FMRIB) NDCN - WIN Goulding Meeting Room - capacity 6
Cowey 1/Seminar room (WIN annexe) NDCN - WIN Cowey 1 or Seminar Room - capacity 30 or 60
OHBA Lounge (OHBA) ​OHBA - Lounge Area Room
​OHBA Meeting room (OHBA) OHBA - Meeting Room