OPEN WIN: demo of WIN MRI protocol database & Admin update: online ethics applications
OPEN WIN team, Nancy Rawlings, Iske Bakker
Wednesday, 20 November 2024, 12pm to 1pm
Hybrid via Teams and in the Cowey Room, WIN Annexe
Hosted by WIN Admin
Join via Teams© University of OxfordOPEN WIN: demo of WIN MRI protocol database
Are you ready to make your MR imaging protocols accessible, reproducible, and openly available for the research community? Why not do it at the WIN Wednesday on the 20th of November! Join us for a short, interactive, hands-on tutorial on uploading your MR protocol to WIN's protocols database!
We’ll cover everything from formatting and metadata requirements to platform navigation, ensuring that your protocols are clear, complete, and ready for others to access. Important: Please bring your laptop and MR protocol along to the session!
Admin update: online ethics applications via Worktribe
The university has recently switched to Worktribe, an online platform for submitting ethics applications to CUREC. We will introduce the new system and the procedure for WIN-internal pre-review in Worktribe. We'll also give a brief update on WIN procedures around Open Access and hosting visitors and grants.