Overview of WIN IT services
What services we provide and how to access them
Services available to all WIN members and accounts needed to access them
The WIN computer account is used for the following services
- FMRIB compute cluster (CPU/GPU queued resource)
- https://git.fmrib.ox.ac.uk (Software/file versioning facility)
- https://xnat.win.ox.ac.uk (MRI/MEG Scan Database)
- FMRIB VPN service
- IDEA programming server (Physics MRI development)
- MRI scan downloads (SFTP from scans.fmrib.ox.ac.uk)
- High capacity central storage for the FMRIB compute cluster
In addition, we offer the following resources, authenticated with the University's Single-Sign On service.
- MRI/room booking and MRI project management - Calpendo
- MRI safety ticket system
- MRI Protocols database
- Account registration system
We also have compute and storage capacity on BMRC's facilities - we would encourage all new research projects to start work on this facility in preference to FMRIB's local resources.
Central IT resources in OHBA
WIN provide the following services for researchers based at OHBA.
- Central file server with SFTP access host - access via MSD-IT Account
- MEG data curation - access through XNAT with a WIN computer account
Services available to OHBA researchers managed by MSD-IT
- Ethernet networking
- VPN Service - access via MSD-IT Account
- Printing
Services managed by IT Services + MSD-IT
- WiFi
FMRIB Specific services
Services for FMRIB residents managed by WIN IT
- FMRIB Linux desktops - access via WIN Computer account
- FMRIB ethernet network login - access via WIN Computer account
- Printing/scanning - accessed by WIN Computer account/University card
Services for FMRIB residents managed by IT Services
- WiFi