Printing software on Mac
Printing software on Mac
If your computer is managed by the University Orchard system, then follow the instructions on our Orchard getting started pages to install the printer software. Otherwise, read on...
Installation of the printer software requires an admin account. If you normally use your computer from a non-admin account then log into your admin account now. If you do not have admin rights on your computer contact the appropriate IT support team to request that they carry out the installation.
To begin the installation visit This page is only available from the FMRIB network so connect FMRIB VPN if you are using a laptop connected to WiFi or from a remote location.
On this site click the green Download button to download the client disk image, then open it (DO NOT rename it otherwise the installation will fail) and double-click on the PaperCut Print Deploy Client.pkg installer package within. Click through, agreeing to the license and finally click on Install. Enter an admin password when requested. You may be prompted to allow "Installer" to administer your computer. Click 'OK'.
Click Close. At this point a pop-up window will appear asking your to sign into the print system - use your WIN IT account username and password - this DOES NOT enable printing, despite what it says...
Job Authentication - IMPORTANT
The first time you print the print queue enters the alarm state and the job does not print...
Click on the printer icon in the dock to open the print queue and you should see your print job listed with a status message of 'Hold for Authentication'. Click on the retry button in the print queue:
You should now get a dialog asking for your WIN IT credentials, enter this and tick the box 'Remember this password in my keychain' to automatically use these credentials to print in the future.