Where to get help
Useful folks who are happy to help you prepare for your WIP
Core staff support
The WIN Core staff named below are happy to assist you at any stage of planning your WIP. Please contact the one which is most appropriate for your type of research.
- Human MRI: radiographers@win.ox.ac.uk
- Analysis: taylor.hanayik@ndcn.ox.ac.uk
- MR Physics: mohamed.tachrount@ndcn.ox.ac.uk or aaron.hess@ndcn.ox.ac.uk
- Preclinical MRI: sean.smart@ndcn.ox.ac.uk or cherie.lai@ndcn.ox.ac.uk
- Clinical Studies jessica.walsh@ndcn.ox.ac.uk or laura.cini@ndcn.ox.ac.uk
- MEG/EEG: anna.camera@psych.ox.ac.uk
- Experiment set-up, task, equipment: sebastian.rieger@psych.ox.ac.uk
Reproducibility and output sharing plans (“open science”)
The outputs of your project are more than just a paper at the end. They include your experimental protocol, your data, your code and your tasks. We can help you turn these outputs into practical tools for you and your lab to efficiently reuse.
If you have any questions relating to open science practices, including how to use the Open WIN infrastructure, please contact the Open WIN ambassadors (open@win.ox.ac.uk).
Patient and Public Involvement & Engagement
PPI(E) work across research has developed over the last 20 years from being regarded as, ‘a nice idea to do if possible’, to a funding requirement for key funders. There is increasing evidence that health research conducted with PPI(E) achieves better outcomes for patients.
The Medical Science Division’s PPI Guidance for Researchers is a detailed five-part guide covering definitions, academic literature requirements, strategies and best practice, involving diverse groups, the research cycle, recruitment, communication, and more. For individualised support, contact WIN’s Public Engagement team (Carinne Piekema / Hanna Smyth).
You do not need to have ethical approval in place before you do your WIP (although it is needed before you can start your study)
If you have any questions about ethics please contact the WIN admin team (admin@win.ox.ac.uk).
Pilot data can sometimes be acquired prior to obtaining your own ethical approval by making use of technical development SOPs. Please contact the radiographers to find out more (radiographers@win.ox.ac.uk)
Update this guidance
If you notice something in this guidance which doesn’t work for you, or spot a typo, please let us know by emailing admin@win.ox.ac.uk.