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BMRC Servers​ - WIN Priority Servers

​In addition to the shared servers the BMRC facilities provide, WIN owns several machines which are either for our exclusive use or can be given priority access, details of the resources appear here. N.B. Access to these machines is via - you cannot SSH directly to these devices.


Interactive Machines

To run interactive tasks, e.g. MATLAB or non-queued software WIN has five machines available for use as detailed in the table below.​ These machines should be accessed either by direct login, the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure or via srun -p win --pty bash as per the table entry. Please ONLY use win000 for large memory tasks.

Interactive Machines
HostnamePurpose​Access viaMemoryCPU cores/model
win000 High memory tasks (>128GB per job) ssh, VDI 3TB 112 Intel Xeon Platinum 8280 @ 2.7GHz
win001 ​small jobs ssh, VDI 1.5TB 56 ​Intel Xeon Gold 6258R @ 2.7GHz
win002-004 Medium memory tasks (<128GB) VDI, srun -p win --pty bash 1.5TB 56 Intel Xeon Gold 6258R @ 2.7GHz

GPU Machines​

These machines are notially shared with all users of the BMRC facilities (in return to access to the other GPU nodes). If you are experiencing difficulties in getting your jobs to be scheduled or you know you have a large number of jobs to run/have a deadline, then please contact WIN IT support as we can request exclusive access to one or more nodes.

GPU Machines
HostnameQueuesGPU Card and Quantity​Memory​CPU cores/model
​compg010-011 gpu_short, gpu_long ​P100 (16GB) x 4 ​384GB 24 ​Intel Xeon Gold 5118 @ 2.3GHz
​compg016 ​gpu_short, gpu_long ​V100 (32GB) x 2 ​768GB ​24 Intel Xeon Gold 6136 @ 3.0GHz
compg028-030 gpu_short, gpu_long Quadro RTX8000 (48GB) x4 768GB 32 Intel Xeon
compg031-033 gpu_short, gpu_long A100 (40GB) x 4 384GB 32 Intel Xeon


Research Group Dedicated Machines

​In addition to the shared resources some research groups have purchased their own hardware. These devices would typically be accessed via SSH from Access is by arrangement with the head of the research group.


Dedicated Machines
HostnameResearch GroupGPU Card and Quantity​Memory​CPU cores/model
​compg017 Mark Woolrich ​V100 (32GB) x 2 ​768GB ​24 Intel Xeon Gold 6136 @ 3.0GHz