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Details on the charges applicable to WIN Computer account holders

Principal Investigators can view their bills and list of associated users on the WIN Registration Page.

For questions about IT billing, please email

IT Account Charging Policy

A flat fee charging model is in use for WIN Computing accounts, and has three tiers:

  • Normal Account - £125 per month (£1500 per annum)
  • Low Usage Account - £17.50 per month (£210 pa)
  • Data Transfer Account - Free

The data transfer account allows for the transfer of MRI scan data out of our systems.

Low usage accounts have no access to the compute cluster and 10GB of storage space on our shared Linux interactive servers.

Normal accounts have full access to the compute cluster, 200GB of scratch space and a 20GB home directory space. Additional scratch space is available on request (with justification) for no additional charge. Extra home storage space is charged for at our storage rate (see below).  We do not charge for compute time, only access to the cluster queues.

Storage Charging Policy

Additional disk charges apply for additional home folder space and for backed up group spaces (/vols/Data). This additional space is charged at the rate of £36 per TB per annum (2024-2025), although we are happy to allocate in smaller blocks, e.g. 50GB.

1TB = 1000GB = 1000KB - reported space on our servers is typically of the form 1TiB = 1024GiB = 1024KiB.

Where your project is approved for processing on the BMRC hosted cluster service, storage space should be organised directly with the BMRC staff. Price is available on application, but is typically around £60 per TB per annum. This storage has no backup, so you are recommended to purchase additional storage space at FMRIB and make copies of important data.

Historical Charge Rates

Period Cost per TB per annum (£)
2023-24 39