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Running RStudio on the FMRIB cluster

The Open OnDemand server allows you to run RStudio via a cluster job.

To start a session, select RStudio Server from the Interactive Apps menu, this provides a form you can use to setup your RStudio session, and requires the following information:

  • Session type/Session duration/GPU (cores and RAM If Advanced selected) - See Remote Desktop for description.
  • R Studio Server version - 'default' will use the latest version installed, or you can select a specific version (if available) using the drop down menu.
  • Extra modules script - if you need to load any environment modules before starting R, create a text file containing the appropriate `module load` commands and specify the full path to the script here. See the R page for further details on modules.
  • RStudio session requestRStudio session request


Click Launch to submit your session to the queues.

If you receive a red error box mentioning QOS, then you have requested a second Jupyter session - we do not allow this for fair-share reasons.

Error box you will see at the top of the page if you already have a session running

Once submitted you will be taken to you My Interactive Session page where you can monitor the progress of your job, connect to your session and shut it down.

When your job is running (the card heading has turned green), you can use the Connect to RStudio Server button to open a new web bowser tab with your session within.