OneDrive Cloud Storage
Usage information about the University's preferred cloud sync storage platform
The University's 'Nexus 365 OneDrive for Business' and SharePoint OneDrive meet Oxford University security guidelines for the storage of all University data.
You should not use alternatives such as Dropbox or Google Cloud for storing work unless this is offered by a service by your department. You must never use 'personal' accounts offered by these services as they invariably do not comply with the University's data privacy/protection requirements.
Please see for more information on the different types of OneDrive service that are available.
For collaborative file sharing Microsoft Teams may be a better option than Nexus personal OneDrive. Upon departure from Oxford a user's personal Nexus OneDrive files will be be deleted shortly after departure even if files and folders are being shared with other users. Files and folders shared to other users will be deleted without notification warnings. Alternatively, if files are stored in Teams they will remain after the author departs from Oxford.
More information is available in our One Drive data storage and Teams pages.