Trainee Leadership Board: Learning about NHS leadership
Stegen G., Leveson D., Llewelyn S., De Giorgi R.
© 2018 Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) [year]. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted. Introduction The development of a new generation of clinical leaders in the NHS has been increasingly endorsed by most recent literature in medical leadership and management. Despite providing academic rationale and argument, however, current training programmes fail to integrate the theoretical and practical aspects of clinical leadership and to implement them in practice within medical training curricula. Methods In Oxford Health National Health Service Foundation Trust, a Trainee Leadership Board programme was offered to a small group of next-generation clinical leaders as an opportunity to learn about current leadership and management in the Trust. This programme provided insights and practical experiences through an integrated educational and experiential approach in resolving a real issue facing the Trust. Results and conclusion Overall, the programme proved successful in creating a culture of increased interest and promoting change in attitude and behaviour around leadership and management. Time constraints and implementation of change represented significant challenges for the Trainee Leadership Board. However, the programme holds promise for its diffusion across the country.