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During B cell maturation, transitional and mature B cells acquire cell-intrinsic features that determine their ability to exit quiescence and mount effective immune responses. Here we use label-free proteomics to quantify the proteome of B cell subsets from the mouse spleen and map the differential expression of environmental sensing, transcription, and translation initiation factors that define cellular identity and function. Cross-examination of the full-length transcriptome and proteome identifies mRNAs related to B cell activation and antibody secretion that are not accompanied by detection of the encoded proteins. In addition, proteomic data further suggests that the translational repressor PDCD4 restrains B cell responses, in particular those from marginal zone B cells, to a T-cell independent antigen. In summary, our molecular characterization of B cell maturation presents a valuable resource to further explore the mechanisms underpinning the specialized functions of B cell subsets, and suggest the presence of 'poised' mRNAs that enable expedited B cell responses.

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Journal article


Nat Commun

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B-Lymphocytes, Proteome, Transcriptome, Animals, Mice, Cell Differentiation, Transcription Factors, RNA, Messenger, Protein Biosynthesis, B-Lymphocyte Subsets