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Research groups
Ying-Qui Zheng
Postdoctoral Researcher
Research Interests
My research interests sit at the interface between image analysis methods and individual variability of brain activity. Before coming to Oxford, I worked at Montreal Neurological Institute with Alain Dagher and Bratislav Misic on modelling neurodegenerative disorders.
My current research focuses on two lines. One line is to harness high-quality MRI datasets to facilitate analysis of low- or routine-quality data (that are often encountered in clinical settings) using probabilistic models; the other is to exploit information in multimodal MRI to localise fine-grained brain regions (e.g., subcortical deep nuclei) for individual subjects. The aim is to supplement existing diagnosis tools and clinical procedures (e.g., in pre-surgical planning), particularly when the data is of limited quality or the patients are unable to perform a specific task during operations.
I am a member of St Edmund Hall at Oxford. In my spare time, I do photography with a particular interest in trees (and in portraits occasionally). See Portfolio for my photography works.