Contact information
+44 (0)1865 613102
Jasmine Blane
BSc(Hons), MSc
DPhil Student
I am a DPhil student in the Department of Psychiatry at Oxford Centre for Human Brain Activity (OHBA) in the Translational Neuroimaging lab (Lab PI: Clare Mackay).
My research focuses on the translation of sophisticated remote cognitive assessments to clinical populations. I am currently working on a research study titled 'Brain Health Centre: healthy volunteers' which aims to collect information on people without memory problems in conjunction with the Oxford Brain Health Centre, a new integrated research and clinical service, to help develop new, sensitive measures of brain health.
I have a MSc in Clinical and Developmental Cognitive Neuropsychology and a BSc in Psychology. Prior to starting my DPhil I was a coordinator for the Oxford Brain Health Centre and a research assistant within the Department of Psychiatry (University of Oxford) and at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (Kings College London) with a focus on longitudinal dementia research trials and memory impairment as a result of non-traumatic brain injury.
Research groups
Recent publications
Prevalence of dementia risk factors in a memory clinic setting: The Oxford Brain Health Clinic
Blane J. et al, (2024)
From Big Data to the clinic: methodological and statistical enhancements to implement the UK Biobank imaging framework in a memory clinic
Gillis G. et al, (2024)
Adapting UK Biobank imaging for use in a routine memory clinic setting: the Oxford Brain Health Clinic
Griffanti L. et al, (2022)
The Oxford Brain Health Clinic: Protocol and Research Database
O’Donoghue MC. et al, (2022)