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Iske Bakker

WIN Research Manager

In my role as WIN Research Manager I oversee processes around hosting visitors, grants and fellowships, external collaborations and data sharing, event planning and internal communications. Together with our Business Manager Nancy Rawlings I lead the WIN admin team.  

I also coordinate the research administration of the groups of Tim Behrens and Heidi Johansen-Berg. My responsibilities include monitoring grant budgets and expenditure, reporting to funders, preparing grant applications, overseeing the ethical review process for research studies, and coordinating HR processes.

My background is in the cognitive neuroscience of memory and language. My PhD at the Donders Institute in Nijmegen, The Netherlands was on consolidation and integration of novel words into lexical memory, using M/EEG and MRI. After a short postdoc I decided to switch to research management. I started as coordinator of INDIREA, a large Marie Curie Initial Training Network at the Dept of Experimental Psychology, before moving to WIN as grants coordinator for Heidi Johansen-Berg, Tim Behrens, Karla Miller and Steve Smith.

I enjoy making research administration as efficient as possible and am always interested in ideas about improving our processes. Please feel free to come and chat to me about your work and anything I might be able to help with!