DPhil viva success for Magda Nowak
DPhil Student Magda passes her DPhil Viva
We would like to congratulate Magda Nowak on her recent successful DPhil viva!
Magda's work investigated the mechanisms of beta and gamma frequency tACS using multi-modal brain imaging (MEG, TMS, MRS). She also studied the physiological oscillatory activity underlying motor learning.
Links to some of Magda's work are below:
- "Driving human motor cortical oscillations leads to behaviorally relevant changes in local GABAA inhibition: a tACS-TMS study" - Nowak et al. 2017
- "Modulation of Long-Range Connectivity Patterns via Frequency-Specific Stimulation of Human Cortex" - Weinrich et al. 2017
- Conference Presentation (and travel grant) at SFN 2016