Central WIN Facilities
Services available to all WIN members and accounts needed to access them
The WIN computer account is used for the following services
- FMRIB compute cluster (CPU/GPU queued resource)
- https://git.fmrib.ox.ac.uk (Software/file versioning facility)
- https://xnat.win.ox.ac.uk (MRI/MEG Scan Database)
- FMRIB VPN service
- IDEA programming server (Physics MRI development)
- MRI scan downloads (SFTP from scans.fmrib.ox.ac.uk)
- High capacity central storage for the FMRIB compute cluster
In addition, we offer the following resources, authenticated with the University's Single-Sign On service.
- MRI/room booking and MRI project management - Calpendo
- MRI safety ticket system
- MRI Protocols database
- Account registration system
We also have compute and storage capacity on BMRC's facilities - we would encourage all new research projects to start work on this facility in preference to FMRIB's local resources.