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Person writing with pen

The relationship between visual acuity loss and GABAergic inhibition in amblyopia

Journal article

Ip IB. et al, (2024), Imaging Neuroscience

Modelling white matter in gyral blades as a continuous vector field.

Journal article

Cottaar M. et al, (2020), Neuroimage, 227

FSL-MRS: An end-to-end spectroscopy analysis package.

Journal article

Clarke WT. et al, (2020), Magn Reson Med

FSL‐MRS: An end‐to‐end spectroscopy analysis package

Journal article

Clarke WT. et al, (2020), Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

Challenges and future directions for representations of functional brain organization.


Bijsterbosch J. et al, (2020), Nat Neurosci, 23, 1484 - 1495

XTRACT - Standardised protocols for automated tractography in the human and macaque brain.

Journal article

Warrington S. et al, (2020), Neuroimage, 217

Transient spectral events in resting state MEG predict individual task responses.

Journal article

Becker R. et al, (2020), Neuroimage, 215

Improved fibre dispersion estimation using b-tensor encoding.

Journal article

Cottaar M. et al, (2020), Neuroimage

Modeling an equivalent b-value in diffusion-weighted steady-state free precession.

Journal article

Tendler BC. et al, (2020), Magn Reson Med

Circuits, Networks, and Neuropsychiatric Disease: Transitioning From Anatomy to Imaging.

Journal article

Haber SN. et al, (2019), Biol Psychiatry

Joint modelling of diffusion MRI and microscopy.

Journal article

Howard AF. et al, (2019), Neuroimage, 201

Auditory and pain processing is severely disrupted at slow wave activity saturation under general anaesthesia

Conference paper

Holmgren J. et al, (2019), BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA, 123, E514 - E514

What is special about the human arcuate fasciculus? Lateralization, projections, and expansion.

Journal article

Eichert N. et al, (2019), Cortex, 118, 107 - 115

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