Contact information
Research groups
Runsen Chen
B.Sc, MBMS, Ph.D (DPhil)
Research interests: emotion processing, mood disorders, clinical psychology
My PhD thesis used a combination of behavioural and neuroimaging measures to explore the effects of different Nmethyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor targeting antidepressants on emotional processing in both depressed patients and healthy participants.
Before coming to Oxford, I received a bachelor's degree and a master's degree at the University of Sydney, Australia. I am on the editorial board of Bipolar Disorders and BMC Psychiatry.
Key publications
Precision biomarkers for mood disorders based on brain imaging.
Journal article
Chen R. et al, (2020), BMJ, 371
Changes in network centrality of psychopathology symptoms between the COVID-19 outbreak and after peak.
Journal article
Wang Y. et al, (2020), Mol Psychiatry
Longitudinal cognitive performance in patients with Bipolar Disorder.
Journal article
Duan S. et al, (2020), Bipolar Disord
The effects of intramuscular administration of scopolamine augmentation in moderate to severe major depressive disorder: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Journal article
Zhou J. et al, (2020), Ther Adv Psychopharmacol, 10
Effectiveness of mirtazapine as add-on to paroxetine v. paroxetine or mirtazapine monotherapy in patients with major depressive disorder with early non-response to paroxetine: a two-phase, multicentre, randomized, double-blind clinical trial.
Journal article
Xiao L. et al, (2021), Psychol Med, 51, 1166 - 1174