WIP Special
Oiwi Parker Jones
Wednesday, 15 May 2024, 12pm to 1pm
Hybrid via Teams and in the Cowey Room, WIN Annexe
Hosted by Polytimi Frangou
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Work in Progress: Imagined speech decoding with MEG
Presented by Oiwi Parker Jones
Abstract: Recent advances in Brain Computer Interfaces (e.g. Willett et al. 2023) demonstrate the potential for restoring communication to paralysed patients using surgical recordings. But brain surgery comes with significant risks and limitations. For example, it is prohibitively difficult to acquire surgical data at scale. By contrast, there is virtually no limit to the amount of high-quality non-invasive data that can be collected in healthy volunteers. In this project, we will test the proposition that with sufficient data, and by developing and then leveraging appropriate methods in data-efficient deep learning, non-invasive approaches will be able to compete with surgical BCIs for restoring speech. In these experiments, we will focus on data collection to decode inner speech.