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A guide to Neurovault.

What is neurovault?

It's a way to share unthresholded statistical maps, parcellations and atlases produced by MRI and PET studies.

Why should I use it?

  • You can share 3D images of your results rather than just a couple of views/ slices or peak coordinates chosen for your publication.
  • You can share unthresholded statistical results, so you can see patterns of activity/ differences etc. even if they didn't pass your chosen statistical threshold.
  • It makes meta-analyses a lot easier.
  • You can make collections private, e.g. just share the link with your collaborators, or make your results publicly available,
  • You can add a link to your neurovault collection to your publication.

How can I do it?

Just go to:

Some examples of previous studies from WIN members available on NeuroVault: