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A guide to the publishing requirements of the University of Oxford

university of oxford requirements

First of all, you can find the most up-to-date information on how to deal with open access publications at the University of Oxford on this website:

Act on acceptance: University Requirements

ALL articles and conference papers (with an ISSN) but not books or book chapters authored by academics and researchers employed by the collegiate University need to be deposited in ORA within 3 months of acceptance.

  • This applies to ALL articles accepted after 1 April 2016.
  • You need to deposit the final ‘author version’ – the final revised typescript, before the publisher’s copy-editing, proof corrections, layout and typesetting.
  • If you are publishing under the gold open access route you can deposit the final publisher pdf of your paper if it is available within 3 months of acceptance of your manuscript.
  • The ORA team will make your article publicly available in ORA after the embargo period has ended.

Funder Requirements

Wellcome Trust (also applies to Charity Open Access Fund: Arthritis Research UK, Bloodwise, British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Parkinson’s UK)

  • Acknowledge the source of funding that supported the research i.e. funder and grant number where applicable.
  • The policy applies to all papers by WT Investigator Award holders, WT Fellows and any individual whose salary is funded by the WT, if they are published during the award period.
  • It also applies to all papers based on research conducted at WT Centres or Major Overseas Programmes and hence supported by the core award.
  • This policy applies even if the WT-funded investigator is only a co-author and not the principal author.
  • Your article needs to be openly available within 6 months of publication and should be made available through PubMed Central (PMC) or Europe PMC. It is NOT sufficient to make papers available in other open repositories.
  • This policy also covers scholarly monographs and book chapters.
  • The article needs to be published under a CC-BY license.
  • You have to publish with specific "compliant" publishers, see here for a full list:
  • Note that WT does not pay for open access charges for commissioned (invited) reviews or conference proceedings.
  • Also note that the WT applies sanctions if WT-funded researchers do not comply with their open access policy.

University procedure

  • Open access fees (but NOT page or colour charges) are paid via a block grant to the University of Oxford. As soon as you receive an invoice from the publisher, use the APC claims form that can be found on the website above. DO NOT pay the fees yourself unless your funding includes publication fees.
  • If it is not done by the journal automatically, authors need to remember to deposit the final version of their article on PubMed Central (PMC) or Europe PMC as soon as the article is published or the embargo period is over.


  • Acknowledge the source of funding that supported the research i.e. funder and grant number where applicable.
  • If applicable, include a statement on how the underlying research materials (such as data) can be accessed.
  • Your article needs to be openly available within 6 months of publication and should be made available through Europe PMC.
  • Under the gold open access route the article needs to be published under a CC-BY license.
  • Under the green open access route a CC-BY-NC licence is acceptable but CC-BY-NC-ND is not.
University procedure
  • Open access fees are paid via a block grant to the University of Oxford unless your funding includes publication fees.
  • You need to check whether enough funds are available BEFORE you submit your manuscript to a journal.
  • If submission is approved, you need to apply for funds via the APC claims procedure as soon as you submit.
  • Preference will be given to publications in fully Open Access journals.
  • For publications in hybrid journals, the green open access route should be chosen if the embargo and copyright requirements of the funder can be met.
  • If it is not done by the journal automatically, authors need to remember to deposit the final version of their article on Europe PMC as soon as the article is published or the embargo period is over.


  • There are very specific requirements regarding acknowledgements that you should look up on the page above.
  • Your article needs to be openly available within 6 months of publication and should be made available through Europe PMC.
  • If it is not done by the journal automatically, authors need to remember to deposit the final version of their article on Europe PMC as soon as the article is published or the embargo period is over.
  • Open access charges will be paid either through the original NIHR award or the NIHR Open Access Fund. Researchers will need to contact the awarding NIHR Programme Coordinating Centre to review the correct approach.

European Commission

  • Your article needs to be openly available within 6 months of publication and deposited in a repository such as arXiv, PubMed Central (PMC) or Europe PMC.
  • This also applies to conference proceedings, monographs & book chapters.
  • Open access costs are eligible for reimbursement from your EC grant.

British Academy and Royal Society

  • They do not currently have any requirements that award holders publish in Open Access format. This might change in the future, so check their websites for updates.